Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Himeji Castle, as stong as our friendship

Himeji Castle, originally uploaded by Yiling Liu.

I spent the Christmas in Japan with my friends, Miyo and Liza. We met in Bloomingtion, Indiana, when we went to the Master program of IU Law School in 1997-1998.

It was a great reunion after almost 8 years.

Time flew, and people changed.

Our dreams did not fulfill as we wished.

However, the pure and true friendship among us is always as green as the tip of pine tree.

We went to Himeji Castle on the Christmas' Eve. It is the biggest Castle in Japan and recognized as the world historical heritage. It carries the astonished beauty, no wonder it survives from bombing of the US army in the WWII.

Just like our friendship.

After those ups and downs passing by, we still survive and live the best out of our lives.

Wish my friends be strong and be happy as we always were in the IU year.

May you a Happy New Year!!